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Writer's picturejunyoshikawa

Can We Choose a Different Timeline?

We often think that what we’re experiencing in life or witnessing in the world is a set reality, something happening here and now that we’re simply meant to follow. It can feel as though we’re locked into a single timeline, unable to avoid it. But when we understand the concept of multiple dimensions and the vast array of possibilities that exist, it becomes natural to consider that another timeline, a different path, is possible.

When I was a child, I often daydreamed, imagining countless "what if" scenarios. I’d wonder, “What if I were the smartest in class? How would that feel?” "If my parents were super rich and we lived in a castle?" or “If I could fly, how would I take off from my apartment terrace?” (We lived on the 4th floor.) I imagined visiting Africa to see zebras and giraffes or having a pet horse to ride to school. To my young mind, these ideas felt almost real, as though they could happen any day.

But one day, something happened that changed my perspective. A young boy who lived in the same apartment building, just one floor above us, stepped beyond his terrace railing and jumped. His apartment was on the fifth floor, overlooking the playground where all the neighborhood kids would play. I remember seeing him on a stretcher, surrounded by concerned onlookers before he was taken away in an ambulance. At that age—around five or six—I didn’t fully understand what I was seeing, but that day is still vivid in my memory. We weren’t allowed to play in the playground for a while; it was roped off as a safety precaution.

In the back of my mind, I wondered if that boy had thought the way I sometimes did, imagining he could fly. I couldn’t believe he intended to harm himself; he was just too young to understand the danger. That day, I began to grasp a vital truth: some actions we take are irreversible, and certain ideas require more caution. I realized that if I tried to fly, I could die. Life taught me, step by step, the importance of the choices we make and the limits of imagination.

US Election and many timelines

Today, we live in a world where change is rapid and unpredictable. Having spent so much time in the U.S., I was curious to see the shifts there, especially during election periods. Interestingly, many psychics had predicted that Donald Trump would lose his election or even face life-threatening challenges before the election (Which he had) . Despite these predictions, we saw that he ultimately won, even if he hadn’t been inaugurated yet.

This made me reflect on timelines and the idea of infinite possibilities. Perhaps the psychics had each seen different timelines, each representing potential futures. Thousands of possibilities could have unfolded, depending on the collective decisions we all make at each moment. Life is like a river; you can follow the main current, or you might find a small space to pause, observe, and even create a new stream that leads you elsewhere. Where we are now and where we want to go depends on how we move forward and the choices we make.

These choices apply not only to our collective reality but also to our individual lives. Every day, we make countless decisions. What keeps us from choosing the life we want? Do we let others make our choices, or do we take control and shape our lives ourselves?

One timeline of a man on Titanic

In one client’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session, he saw a vivid scenario that mirrored this idea. He had a stable, respected career and a decent life, yet he felt unsatisfied in his personal life, lacking close relationships. In his session, he saw himself aboard the Titanic, heading to America in search of opportunity but with little clear vision for his future. When the accident happened, he watched others panic, desperately seeking survival. Yet he felt indifferent, seeing this event as an acceptable end. He sat quietly on the deck, watching the boat go down, passively accepting his fate. But this was only one possible timeline. He could have chosen another path, taken a lifeboat, or swam toward safety, forging a new direction.

The universe is forgiving; it doesn’t restrict us to one path. This freedom is both a gift and a challenge because it’s easy to let ourselves believe that the path we’re on is the only option. Our society and our inner dialogue can reinforce this idea. Yet each of us has the potential to break free, choose another timeline, and move closer to what we truly desire.

When my clients access their subconscious or higher self, they often find a new understanding of who they really are and what they’re capable of. Many come into sessions feeling uncertain, held back by internalized beliefs that they’re somehow limited or unworthy. But these beliefs can be untrue, and deep down, they sense this. Through hypnosis, they reconnect with their inner strength, their true self, and realize they’re capable of so much more. It’s a privilege as a hypnotist to help people uncover their potential and change their lives, sometimes in what seems like miraculous ways.

You have the power to change your timeline

If you’re unhappy with your current timeline, know that you have the power to change it. You can steer your life in a direction that feels more meaningful and fulfilling. Taking that first step forward, however small, can lead you to a completely different path. Recall those early moments in life when you were nervous—your first day of school, your first time traveling alone, or a challenging test you faced. Each time, you overcame the fear and grew stronger. Imagine if you hadn’t taken those steps; where might you be now?

Ultimately, every choice, every action, and every step we take can open up a new timeline. Trust yourself, take a step forward, and don’t be afraid to forge a path that resonates with who you truly are.

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